Chin Lift Without Implants. Enhancement and Form Correction via Serdev Suture®.
Chin Lift Without Implant
Chin enhancemet or chin lift without implant is one of the most popular suture lifting techniques, created by Prof. Dr. Nikolay Serdev. For this ambulatory procedure, Dr. Serdev uses only two skin punctures, in the supra- and submental folds. Using special needle instruments, he collects the whole available chin soft tissue, moves it to the correct position, and fixates it to the bone. The chin correction includes projecting one’s own tissues forward, but in cases of deformities, they can be moved up, down, left and right. Patients most often seek this procedure in cases of small chin (microgenia and retrogenia) and age-related ptosis (witch chin), other deformities, as well as unsuccessful placement and removal of implants.
The aim of Serdev Suture chin lift is to position the chin in the central axis of the face, create the appropriate volume and correct facial proportions, without the use of implants.
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The entire procedure takes a few minutes. There are no incisions and we do not use dermal closure or bandages. Patients should perform facial washing on the following day. The skin puncture in the supra-mental fold may have a microscopic crust for 1-2 days and patients can cover it with make up. The early post-op period swelling is almost invisible. Patients can resume their social life as soon as they wish.
The suture chin lift results are durable and have a big price advantage over short-term injectables. Patients prefer it to the alternative methods of using foreign bodies (implants) or even transplants, which requires incisions, wearing bandages and involves swellings, as well as possibilities of displacement and infection.
Chin Enhancement and Position Correction
We use this method not only to lift the sagging chin, but also for chin enhancement and position correction. We can move it to the side, as well as up or down. Such cases are for example facial deformities and cleft lip. As a result, we achieve correct volumes, angles and proportions.
We can also create a chin dimple as an addition to the chin lift, or as a separate procedure.
Read more – Cheek dimple (smiling points) creation
Disharmony and Proportions
Profile deficiencies are due to congenital, traumatic and ageing factors, with different degree of deformity. Loss of volume or a genetically small mandible affect the aesthetics and expression of the mouth, chin, and neck. Disharmony between the skeletal support and the soft tissue envelope is a common cause of aesthetic concerns.
The chin is an important feature of the face. It is part of the noble profile (which is a straight line), as well as the “beauty triangle” – expressed chin and cheekbones. When we smile, we enhance the triangle and the face looks more beautiful. The chin plays an important role for defining facial aesthetic proportions. The lower part of the face should be divided into 3 parts – one part for the upper lip and two parts for the lower lip and chin (1:2 proportion). Together, they form 1/3 of the face (golden ratio).
Dr. Serdev’s suture technique positions the chin on the line of the profile and restores the beauty triangle, aesthetic proportions, angles and volumes of the face.