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Serdev Clinic - MC "Aesthetic Surgery, Aesthetic Medicine". Rejuvenation and Beautification Without Scars.

Permanent Blocking of Glabella Corrugation

Why use the Serdev Suture method instead of Botox for permanent blocking of glabella corrugation? The answer is – because of the durability of the result.


Permanent Blocking of Glabella Corrugation

The blocking of glabella corrugation using Serdev Suture method is a transcutaneous, atraumatic, scarless method for permanent blocking the muscles of the forehead between the eyebrows (glabella). The aim is to ligate the muscles, which leads to muscle separation by linear necrosis, thus blocking their ability to contract. The procedure is performed through skin punctures, leaves no scars and does not require hospitalisation.

The postoperative recovery is short, patients can return to their social life on the day after surgery.

Read more – Overall face beautification without scars



Over the years Botulinum toxin (in the form of Botox, Dysport or others) has proven its effectiveness and is the preferred non-surgical method for dealing with wrinkling in the glabellar area. This method avoids traumatic surgery of the face and its disadvantage is its temporary effect and often lifelong use.

We offer both methods, depending on patient’s requirements.

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