Beautification and rejuvenation of are achieved by restoring correct proportions, volumes and angles. In our clinic, we perform facelift surgery without scars. We use Serdev Suture® Lifts - the most modern, mini-invasive and atraumatic methods, which in the same time give great results and very high patient satisfaction. The procedures are carried out through skin puncture points, which heal in 1-3 days. There is no skin excision and subsequently no scars. Also, due to minimized trauma, patients can quickly resume their social life.
The Serdev Suture® methods for facelifting surgery without scars are:
- Temporal SMAS lift, Supra-temporal SMAS lift;
- Brow lift;
- Lateral cantus lifting;
- Mid-face SMAS suture lift;
- Cheekbone lift and/or augmentation;
- Lower SMAS-platysma face and neck lift (by sutures only or by using hidden retro-lobular incision);
- Chin lift without implant. Enhancement, form and position correction;
- Creation of Chin dimple;
- Creation of Smiling dimples;
- Ear Pinning. Protruding ears correction;
- Permanent blocking of glabela corrugation.
In Rhinoplsty:
With the exception of humpectomy, the listed procedures are Dr. Serdev's author methods in rhinoplasty, leaving no trauma and bruising. No intranasal packings or casts are required even in humpectomy, only skin-colored tape is places to suck out any swelling.
- Humpectomy (hump removal);
- Tip rotation in cases of long noses;
- Tip projection (to obtain the aesthetic 30 degree angle dorsum to profile line);
- Closing of the open dorsum roof (without visible step deformity);
- Tip refinement (narrowing);
- Narrowing of the nostrils;
- Narrowing of the mid and lower third of the nasal dorsum.
Other face procedures: