Ultrasonic Liposculpture of Belly, Love Handles, Breasts, and Back In Obesity and Cellulite
The accumulation of subdermal fat in the abdomen and lumbar region is due to poor diet and stagnant way of life. Once gained, these accumulations can not be eliminated through diet, because fibrous-degenerative processes arise. Typical male problems are the emergence of the so-called “beer belly” and gynecomastia. They are also hormonally determined.
Due to hormonal differences, women accumulate fat subdermally and men – in the abdominal cavity. For this reason, this procedure is more effective in women and they can more easily get a “flat stomach” (abdomen). Depots in the area of the “love handles” appear alongside accumulations in the belly area and must be removed together. Depots in the back area appear in a later stage and are a sign of overall gradual obesity. It rarely is only genetically determined.
Liposuction of the belly, love handles, breast and back is one way of approaching the problem and remove the accumulated fat depots. Diabetes (or predisposition to this condition) will improve, as well as high blood pressure.
Body contouring using VASER ultrasonic liposculpture: belly, love handles, breasts, and back in obesity and cellulite
The best method for removing the fat depots is VASER ultrasound liposculpturing. It is a form of liposuction where we liquefy excess fat using sound waves, which are harmless to adjacent tissues. These are blood and lymph vessels, nerve branches and connective tissue. Removing the liquefied fat tissue is smooth and without blood loss, under very low pressure. The fat cells cannot build up in the same places again, because they have been destroyed.
Traditional liposuction also cannot deal with these problems, due to the lack of precision, the trauma it can cause to neighbouring tissues and blood loss. It cannot easily treat fibrous areas, such as male breast, upper abdomen, back and buttock areas.
Here you can find a detailed description of VASER ultrasonic liposculpturing, as well as comparison with other liposuction methods.
VASER lipo is an outpatient procedure, done through skin puncture only, under local anesthesia. In addition, UAL has a lifting effect. It refreshes the skin, which tightens, while preserving its elasticity.
We treat Gynecomastia in men in the same way – through skin punctures in a hidden spot. Thus, we define chest muscles, which in combination with narrow waist and flat stomach, makes the male figure attractive. High definition six packs are also easier to obtain with this technology.
The atraumatic nature of VASER liposculpturing also makes possible to combine liposuction of the breast, back, belly and love handles with fat removal from other areas of the face and body, depending on patient characteristics. We can also do various liftings using scarless Serdev Sutures Lifting method.
After the Liposculpturing Procedure
After the procedure, we prescribe antibiotics for 5-7 days and painkillers for the first night (and after, if necessary). We do daily follow-up sessions for 5 to 7 days. These sessions include showering, disinfection, bandages and change of elastic bandages.
Most important during the days in the early post-op period is the follow up for fluid retention or collection, so as to prevent formation of painful seroma and infection at a later stage. Daily follow-up is crucial in the first days and we have not observed late complications. Patients wear elastic garments 24/7 for a month, preferably a month and a half. Of course, during this time, they are free to follow their normal daily activities.
The result is durable. The immediate result shows much better form of the body and extremities. Swelling will be minimized in the next 3 months. VASER causes fat tissue to liquefy detach from the cells. Thus, the body treats it as a foreign body and fights its own fat tissue enzymatically. The vascular system generalises this process and as a result we observe weight loss during the first 6 months. After this period, patients must maintain their weight. The final result becomes better and better during the course of the first year, along with losing weight and reduction of swelling.
Massages on the treated areas are strictly forbidden! This is because skin movement can break the newly formed capillaries! As a resutlt, there will be growing of edema, extension of the recovery period and loosening of skin fixation.